Mens Nocturnal Adoration
Calling all men to adore the Lord, to pray for the Church and for priests in these dark times. Cabrini Church will host a nocturnal period of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in reparation for sins committed by clergy, to pray for priests and victims and for the Church. We ask all Catholic men of good will, Knights of Columbus, Knights of St Peter Claver, ACTS Men, Members of the Holy Name Society, Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, of all parishes and organizations to consider keeping watch with us from 7pm on Thursday May 2nd to 7am on Friday May 3rd. We are asking for two volunteers per hour. If interested contact Michelle at 445-4588
Latest News
Please excuse the mess as our website is undergoing rapid changes. Check back often to see all the exciting things our Parish has to offer you and your family! Each Wednesday at 11:30am we pray the Stations of the Cross for relief of the souls in Purgatory. Call the Church office with names of loved ones you would like remembered. Reconciliation every Saturday afternoon from 3:30pm-4:15pm or by special appointment.